Monday, January 30, 2012

rhetorical analysis and critical reading

Amigos! Y'all are awesome; I thought I'd just let you know that.

Does it feel great to have the Opinion Editorial off your back? Onward and upward! I'm excited for this unit. The Rhetorical Analysis can be difficult, but we'll work hard and make it fun. Promise.

Okay so here's your blog post as we discussed in class today:

Read all four articles assigned for Wednesday, and choose one to read again more thoroughly with these questions in mind:

1) What is the author's intent? What is the author trying to persuade the audience to think/do/feel?
2) What are the specific rhetorical tools the author is using? (You can talk about how specifically they are appealing to e/p/l, but try to also use some of the rhetorical tools you are familiar with already--like imagery, metaphor, etc.)
3) What is the audience reaction? Does their reaction correlate with the author's intent? Thus, judging by what you feel like the audience reaction was, was the article effective or ineffective?

Bonus question (optional, but you'll eventually need to know this): Google the author and find out who he/she is. Where was the article published? There should be a little of this information in the New Media reader, but try to find out more if you can.

That's all!

PS I'm a pretty thorough grader as far as papers go, so it takes me awhile. I'm going to try and break my back to get them to you by Friday. So if I do, then I deserve candy! (:

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