Wednesday, January 18, 2012

info for friday and other things

I hope we had fun in class today :) I know I did, even though I was really scatterbrained and disorganized. Lesson number one in college: get enough sleep. I won't be testing you on that, but I promise that if you sleep more you'll do better in class. Obviously it's something that I'm still working on!

Okie doke. Let's get down to business. Here are a few important things I didn't get to mention in class:

You are expected to read and comment on your classmates' blogs. Now, I know there are 18 of you, so what I want you to do is read at least FOUR of your peers' blogs (you can focus on your groups/tables, or read others) and comment on them. I want the comments to be more than "hey, that's cool," or "I agree." I want to know that you actually read through the post and see your response.

Also, I'll talk about this more on Friday, but what I want you to do is prepare a two minute lesson on your grammar/punctuation "expertise." This is all due on Monday. I will hand out exercise two (commas) on Friday, so those of you who have commas as an expertise, do the reading and then you'll get the exercise to complete on Friday. But remember, everyone has to complete ALL the quizzes, due on Monday. But you only have to give a mini presentation/lesson on one of the quizzes. Make sense?

Make sure that those of you who haven't signed up for a conference with me email me and make sure you get in sometime this or next week.

One more thing to remember: you are, as it says in the syllabus, required to go to the Writing Center once per paper. Click here for the link to the website so you can see the location and hours. It gets kind of crazy because a lot of the Writing 150 classes have papers due around the same time, so go as soon as you can.

Sorry, lots of things to remember! Any questions, email me.

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