Monday, January 9, 2012

blogs to follow and other things

Thanks for your participation in class today. I'm going to be emailing each of you about the topics you turned into me today--hopefully my suggestions will help as you select and narrow your topics. Also, make sure you give me your info sheet on Wednesday if you haven't already done so.

Here are some questions to consider for Wednesday's class:
  • We're going to be talking about claims, reasons, and assumptions. Can you identify your own claim, reasons, and assumptions in the New Media article? ("Are We Facebook Friends Yet?")
  • Also, try to identify your own claim, reasons, and assumptions for your Opinion Editorial topic.
And lastly, here are your blogs to follow (I'm still missing one, so I'll post it as soon as I get it!)

Also, it says on the syllabus that your first official blog post isn't until next week, but before then write a post introducing yourself to your classmates--tell us a story about yourself, explain why you are so cool, etc. 250-300 words.

See you Wednesday!

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