Monday, January 23, 2012

business as usual

Okie dokie. Let's do this!

I emailed all of you the sheet for the peer review on Wednesday. Make sure you read over it before you start reviewing their papers. The most important thing to remember is to make at least FIVE comments per page, as well as a half-page response to their papers. In the response, you can sum up your comments, as well as including any suggestions that you feel would be helpful so their papers comply with the criteria found in the Supplemental Guide. 

So for Wednesday, you'll need to bring your peers' papers reviewed. And make sure you bring the five punctuation exercises to turn in.

Okay, so here's your blog prompt for the week:

  • Find FIVE grammatical/punctuation errors in your Op Ed draft (yours, and not your peers').
  • Type out the original sentence, tell us what's wrong with it, and then type the corrected sentence.
  • Also, I want you to write a small paragraph telling the class how you generally feel about peer reviews. Be honest, because if you hate peer reviewing, I want to make sure to make changes in the structure of the review so it's helpful and relevant. 
  • Also, I realize that you have a lot to do for Wednesday, so you have until Friday to post this. And then you'll need to make sure and comment on four of your peers' blogs sometime before the next post (next Wednesday).
Any questions, shoot me an email, or stop by my office. 

Ever at your disposal,


PS How did you like my grammar/punctuation comic relief from the last post? Comment on this blog and let me know if you love these as much as I do (:


  1. I really liked the things you posted last week! The video especially made me laugh.

  2. I thought that blog was pretty funny! I read a few of the other entries and some of them actually made me laugh out loud (LOL). Good times!
