Friday, March 16, 2012


Okay, class. I saw at least ONE of you at the Steven Church reading, but if you came, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm emailing some of his essays to you just in case you are interested. Check on the website, too, and they should have his reading up in a few days. I am now weirdly obsessed with him, as I told you in class, so if you read some of his essays and watch the reading series recording, I'll be happy. You know, just a few things you can do to get on my good side :)

Also, if you love his style of writing (personal essays, etc.), you'll love the other authors I told you about in class:

  • Scott Russell Sanders
  • Brian Doyle
  • Eduardo Galeano
Just do a search for these authors in the English Reading Series website (link above), and you can watch their readings. Fun stuff. Extra credit in class and extra credit in life. 

Remember, Monday's class is in the library, room 2232. You'll want to work on your papers over the weekend and get as much done as you can, so during class you can ask questions and get a lot of work done. With the Issues Paper, it's best to work on it at least a little bit every day, even on the weekends. Make sure, wherever you are in your writing process, that you have access to your draft through email or flash drive or something, so you can build off of what you already have. 

I will do my best to get your Annotated Bibs and Outlines graded over the weekend, and we can address any concerns you may have next week. I have been meaning to be more clear about this, but the breakdown on your Issues Paper grade is a little different than with other papers. The IP is worth 300 points. 50 of these points are for the prewriting process. Your Annotated Bibs are worth 20, your outlines are worth 15, and your first full drafts are also worth 15. So whatever grade you receive on these assignments does affect the overall grade of your Issues Paper. So the final paper itself will be worth 300 points. Does that make sense? 

Okay! Just so you know, I'm running away for the weekend to grade and do other stuff, so I doubt I'll bring my computer. So if you email me with questions, I'll get back to you on Monday morning. 

Phew! Long post. 

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