Monday, March 19, 2012

for wednesday

Good luck with your IP rough drafts. To offset the amount of work you'll do, the blog post won't be too intense. Just paraphrase the following paragraph WITHOUT patchwriting:
“We do not in everyday life reflect much on how one people’s ‘myth’ may be another people’s religion or episteme. What ‘we’ label ‘myth’ from other cultures then translates into the ‘that’s just a myth!’ formula that implicitly sustains the value of our own beliefs. Thus trivialized—though in different ways—both outside and within Western culture, ‘myth’ in common English-language usage today is the object of exoticizing amusement or dismissal; it is deprived of its associations with history, knowledge, and vision—what has made myth culturally valuable and has most fascinated scholars of myths and traditional narratives” (Bacchilega 25).
Also, at the end of the blog post, I want you to think of something you've struggled with in the Issues Paper writing process and tell us what it is. Then when you comment on your peers' posts for Friday, you can help each other out by responding to the problem. 
Make sense? 

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