Monday, March 12, 2012

for wednesday: annotated bib and other exciting things

Here's the part when you love me:

  • You don't need to do a blog post for Wednesday. I mean, you can if you WANT to, and if you do, you can write whatever you want. But you're not required
Okay, so make sure you have a printed copy of your annotated bibliography (don't post it--print it and bring it to class). 

Also, I wanted to say that for this paper (as with the RA), there is only one required instructor conference. I'm going to make a few changes on the course schedule for this unit, so I'll give you an updated schedule in class on Wednesday. So you'll have the updated day for this required conference. With that said, if you want a GOOD GRADE on this paper, you will probably want to make the extra effort to meet with me at least one other time (or more). I am giving you freedom to email me about meeting. I want to help you with these papers, but I want to give you enough independence with this paper that you come in when you're struggling or when you feel like you need the most help.

Again, review the Issues Paper section in the Supplemental Guide. This unit is complicated and there simply isn't time to go over everything in class, so you'll need to do reading on your own. I'll give you more examples of Issues Papers to analyze and use as examples, but for now, just use the one in the SG. 

See you on Wednesday! Good luck with your research.

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