Friday, March 30, 2012

i.p. portfolio/ multimodal info

Here's what you need to include in the I.P portfolio:
  • Cover sheet
  • Rubric
  • Final draft (STAPLED!!)
  • Annotated bibliography (the one I commented on)
  • Outline (again, the one you gave to me)
  • First draft (same as above)
  • Peer reviewed draft (printed with the comments)
Okay, and here's the info for the Multimodal Argument:
Website builders:
  • Google sites
  • Wix
  • Weebly
  • DevHub
  • SnapPages
  • Webs
  • GetShopped
  • Webnode
Online tools:

• (free photoshop)
• (reverse image search)
•Harmony Drawing Tool (draw online)
• (tutorials)
•Color IQ Test
• (shorten URLs)

Any questions, just email me! I will get back to you Monday morning. Try to meet with your group before class on Monday (if you can't over the weekend or Monday morning, try to meet sometime on Monday). You should have a website started by Monday at some point. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

yay! new design!

what do you think?

intro to multimodal argument (friday)

On Friday we'll begin the very last unit of the semester! Crazy how time flies (when you're having fun, right?) Okay, so you do have some reading for Friday: Supplemental Guide, pages 55-60. Easy enough! 

Also, please send your peers their papers today, so they have sufficient time to revise. As I mentioned in class, go over the paper and make any other comments you want to, correct grammar, etc., and then write a 150-200 word end note detailing your suggestions for their paper's improvement. Use the rubric as a reference for this end note, so you are hitting all of the important points in your review.

BY THE WAY, I was a little disgruntled to find that many of you merely googled "ineffective websites" instead of finding them on your own. Shame, shame, shame. 

I think that's all. See you Friday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

prompt for wednesday 03.28

Okay. For Wednesday's blog post, you'll do a couple of things:

  • First, I want you to look at the problem you identified in your previous blog post, and tell us how you solved the problem. Paper revisions are about solving problems, so I want you to make sure you are actually taking the responsibility of resolving these issues. 
  • Second, I want you to list (and give links to) four effective websites and four ineffective websites. For the next unit, we will be focusing more in-depth on visual rhetoric, specifically websites. I want you to start thinking about what you think is effective/ineffective about websites. Does it accomplish what it's trying to? Is the information organized in an intuitive, logical manner? What makes you want/not want to revisit a website? Obviously, we haven't talked about any sort of design principles in class, but I want to know what you know right off the bat. 
Sound fair? Buenisimo. See you in class on Wednesday! (HBLL 2232)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

for friday

Hello all! Here's what's going to happen Friday:

I'm going to email you a couple of Issue Papers to read over. You will read the papers alongside the rubric and tell me what grade you would assign each of the papers based on the rubric. Then we'll discuss them in class. I'm trying to track down a couple of examples so you have a good range and a lot of examples to work with. So you should be getting a paper from me within a few hours.

Make sure to comment on your classmates' blogs! Oh, and thanks for your participation in the debate today. I had fun! And I think it was a productive activity.

Alrighty, I will see you Friday!

Monday, March 19, 2012

....and one more thing

The Steven Church reading is up on the website:

Have fun!

for wednesday

Good luck with your IP rough drafts. To offset the amount of work you'll do, the blog post won't be too intense. Just paraphrase the following paragraph WITHOUT patchwriting:
“We do not in everyday life reflect much on how one people’s ‘myth’ may be another people’s religion or episteme. What ‘we’ label ‘myth’ from other cultures then translates into the ‘that’s just a myth!’ formula that implicitly sustains the value of our own beliefs. Thus trivialized—though in different ways—both outside and within Western culture, ‘myth’ in common English-language usage today is the object of exoticizing amusement or dismissal; it is deprived of its associations with history, knowledge, and vision—what has made myth culturally valuable and has most fascinated scholars of myths and traditional narratives” (Bacchilega 25).
Also, at the end of the blog post, I want you to think of something you've struggled with in the Issues Paper writing process and tell us what it is. Then when you comment on your peers' posts for Friday, you can help each other out by responding to the problem. 
Make sense? 

Friday, March 16, 2012


Okay, class. I saw at least ONE of you at the Steven Church reading, but if you came, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm emailing some of his essays to you just in case you are interested. Check on the website, too, and they should have his reading up in a few days. I am now weirdly obsessed with him, as I told you in class, so if you read some of his essays and watch the reading series recording, I'll be happy. You know, just a few things you can do to get on my good side :)

Also, if you love his style of writing (personal essays, etc.), you'll love the other authors I told you about in class:

  • Scott Russell Sanders
  • Brian Doyle
  • Eduardo Galeano
Just do a search for these authors in the English Reading Series website (link above), and you can watch their readings. Fun stuff. Extra credit in class and extra credit in life. 

Remember, Monday's class is in the library, room 2232. You'll want to work on your papers over the weekend and get as much done as you can, so during class you can ask questions and get a lot of work done. With the Issues Paper, it's best to work on it at least a little bit every day, even on the weekends. Make sure, wherever you are in your writing process, that you have access to your draft through email or flash drive or something, so you can build off of what you already have. 

I will do my best to get your Annotated Bibs and Outlines graded over the weekend, and we can address any concerns you may have next week. I have been meaning to be more clear about this, but the breakdown on your Issues Paper grade is a little different than with other papers. The IP is worth 300 points. 50 of these points are for the prewriting process. Your Annotated Bibs are worth 20, your outlines are worth 15, and your first full drafts are also worth 15. So whatever grade you receive on these assignments does affect the overall grade of your Issues Paper. So the final paper itself will be worth 300 points. Does that make sense? 

Okay! Just so you know, I'm running away for the weekend to grade and do other stuff, so I doubt I'll bring my computer. So if you email me with questions, I'll get back to you on Monday morning. 

Phew! Long post. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

for wednesday: annotated bib and other exciting things

Here's the part when you love me:

  • You don't need to do a blog post for Wednesday. I mean, you can if you WANT to, and if you do, you can write whatever you want. But you're not required
Okay, so make sure you have a printed copy of your annotated bibliography (don't post it--print it and bring it to class). 

Also, I wanted to say that for this paper (as with the RA), there is only one required instructor conference. I'm going to make a few changes on the course schedule for this unit, so I'll give you an updated schedule in class on Wednesday. So you'll have the updated day for this required conference. With that said, if you want a GOOD GRADE on this paper, you will probably want to make the extra effort to meet with me at least one other time (or more). I am giving you freedom to email me about meeting. I want to help you with these papers, but I want to give you enough independence with this paper that you come in when you're struggling or when you feel like you need the most help.

Again, review the Issues Paper section in the Supplemental Guide. This unit is complicated and there simply isn't time to go over everything in class, so you'll need to do reading on your own. I'll give you more examples of Issues Papers to analyze and use as examples, but for now, just use the one in the SG. 

See you on Wednesday! Good luck with your research.

Friday, March 9, 2012

for monday

Hi y'all. Okay, first things first. Some of you have had questions about the Issues Paper in general (structure, purpose, etc.), and while I am happy to answer questions, 90% of the surface level questions can be found in the Supplemental Guide. Please take time to read over the Issues Paper section two, three, four times until you understand what the assignment is!

As you can tell from my email, I want to meet with each of you about your research. This doesn't mean, however, that I want to do your research FOR you. I want you to come with a list of your current sources that we can discuss. Show me the work you've done, and come to me with additional questions. I am here to help, but you need to do your part. Know the assignment, do your research, and bring any additional questions to me and I'll be happy to help.

Do your reading for Monday! Get as much done with the Annotated Bibliography assignment as you can this weekend. And have a good weekend!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

for wednesday

It was so good to see you all today! I missed you. I hope that Monday's class was helpful to get you started with research. For Wednesday, you need to check the syllabus for reading. Also, here is the prompt for this week's blog post:

  • What did you learn about research from Monday's class? What are you still confused about? 
    • I want this to be a well-developed paragraph. And by well-developed, I mean more than a couple of sentences. Make your paragraphs look healthier than some of your proposal paragraphs looked! Remember, I'm grading you on these!

I think that's about it. I only have one more thought:

Let's be lifesavers, people! (:

Hasta Wednesday