Monday, April 2, 2012

blog prompt for wednesday AND an interesting article about cats

I didn't have a chance to properly defend my love of cats in class, mostly because I was being attacked by several dog lovers who didn't give me the opportunity to speak. What did we say about addressing your counterarguments fairly?? Have we learned nothing??? Well. Click here for a delightful article about why cats are awesome. It does say that most cat lovers are weird, but you already know how weird I am. I've accepted it.

I do want to say, however, that I also love {some} dogs. Some dogs are too jumpy and hyper and clingy and stupid, but others are wonderful. One of my favorite pets growing up was a dog. But I've been bitten on three different occasions by dogs, and they were all rabies-infested ugly muts in Uruguay. I think that's what tipped the scales for me. Dogs can be awesome, but I am more devoted to the feline species.

BUT that's irrelevant to your blog post for this week. I'd like you to select one of the websites you posted on your blog last week and analyze it according to the design principles we discussed in class today {contrast, color, composition, proximity, alignment, repetition, rule of thirds, etc.} You can pick either an effective or an ineffective website to analyze.

Please do an in-depth analysis. I want you to think hard about this one. If after learning some design principles you decide that one of the websites you chose was actually ineffective {or the other way around}, you are welcome to change your mind and tell us why in the post.

Happy blogging! And good luck putting together your websites.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm, do you see the title of that website??? It's all opinion! Therefore it's still not supporting your side so well....? Better work on that :)
    And did you put the article because you couldn't think of a movie with a cat portrayed as the hero?(Garfield doesn't count either)
    I'm just giving you a hard time. Because I know that deep down inside, you do know dogs are better. Proven fact of life.
